Monday, March 12, 2012

Kumaka :: Child with Spina Bifida

We found out that our precious son would have Spina Bifida at 19 weeks. We went to that ultrasound to find out the gender of our baby, and we got a whole lot more than we bargained for. We were told our "options" multiple times, until we were more sick about the word termination than the diagnosis. We struggled with finding the understanding of the enormity of what we would be facing. It was so overwhelming. But once he was born, he was perfect in our eyes. He's had quite a few challenges and hurdles to jump over. He's had multiple surgeries, mostly on his feet which are proving to be quite difficult to correct. He is a full time crazy wheelchair boy, but is learning to walk with RGO's. At the moment he is in a spica cast because both of his hips were out of socket and he had bilateral hip surgery to fix that. He's had heel cord lengthening multiple times, as well as a couple of bony procedures on his feet. He has battled pneumonia, and multiple UTI's.

But his sweet spirit, his courageous attitude makes him a warrior. He does not really think he's different. He's five right now and has only once mentioned the fact that he can't walk. He has four brothers who shower attention on him, and he really is a part of the crew. Their friends adore him....and love him and play with him. He is so very awesome.....he amazes me every single day.

He is a huge blessing in our lives and we wouldn't change a thing about him. Our only wish is that he didn't have to go through quite so much...but really that is what makes Kumaka who he is. His full name is Kumakalehua...which is Hawaiian. It means "the Strength or Foundation of the home". He is that for us. We love him more than anything.

Check out their family blog at

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